Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Answer Those Questions

Are you curious about the gifts God has given you? Do you long to serve and build up the Church? Discover your unique spiritual gifts and embrace your calling as a member of the body of Christ. By using your gifts, you can contribute to the growth and health of the Church, and bring glory to God.

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Sl Question Usually true (5) Sometimes true (3) Seldom true (1) Rarely true (0)
1 I find of ways to help others who are suffering physically, emotionally, and spiritually?
2 I enjoy spending time in study and research?
3 I feel people should say what they mean and mean what they say about truth even though it may hurt the feelings of the listener?
4 I often find myself giving to help others in a time of need?
5 I enjoy responsibilities which involve helping others improve?
6 I enjoy doing small tasks that need to be done, without being asked to do them?
7 I like to take a project, break it down into various parts, and systematically organize a plan to accomplish the goal?
8 I find it very difficult to confront others unless I am really convinced it will help them?
9 In studying the Bible or other wisdom books, I like to study the passage in context and find what it meant to the writer before trying to apply it to myself?
10 When situations are not right, I feel an urge to speak up about them in order to correct them?
11 When I hear of someone in need, I think that money should be a part of the answer?
12 I am a positive thinker, believing that all things are possible?
13 I am a positive thinker, believing that all things are possible?
14 If a project needs to be done and no one is in charge, I like to volunteer to get it organized?
15 I can sense whether a person I am talking to is hurting, or perceive what their need is?
16 I tend to organize my thoughts in a systematic way?
17 I have the unique ability to discern deception, dishonesty and compromise in the motives and actions of others?
18 I prefer to give to a cause from my heart, then for someone to tell me or suggest to me what I should give?
19 I have the ability to help people see how their trials and difficulties can be opportunities for personal growth?
20 I would rather do a number of short-range immediate tasks than do one long-range task?
21 I have the ability to see the finished picture of a project when others may only see the various pieces?
22 I will go to almost any length to avoid hurting the feelings of others?
23 I like to see things prepared and taught in a systematic, factual way rather than having people share just personal experiences?
24 Injustice, dishonesty, and unrighteousness in the church and community bother me enough that I am willing to speak up even though some may be offended?
25 When I feel led to give, I give generously without thinking of the sacrifice this may involve?
26 I would rather talk to someone about their personal problems and share with them practical help than send them to someone else?
27 I find it difficult to say no when I see something practical which can be done to help someone in need?
28 I would rather train others to do various tasks rather than doing everything myself?
29 I like to speak kind, comforting, reassuring words to others and I am hurt when I hear others speak harshly?
30 I enjoy communicating insights and truths to others and enjoy seeing that light bulb moment that turns on in their thinking?
31 I have a desire to share with others messages which can correct, encourage, and comfort them.?
32 I enjoy making my home available for entertaining guests and having social gatherings?
33 I enjoy meeting regularly over a period of time with individuals to help them grow spiritually?
34 I enjoy serving the needs of others in order to free them for more important work?
35 I have the ability to organize people, resources, plans, and timetables in order to accomplish work more effectively?
36 When others are hurting or in pain, I can feel for them, even to the point of becoming emotionally involved?
37 I have the ability to explain difficult issues after giving them much thought and study?
38 I am able to communicate my thoughts directly and frankly to close friends, even though they may disagree with me?
39 I think it is sinful if a person fails to manage his/her financial assets well?
40 I enjoy teaching and sharing with others especially when I know it will help their daily life?
41 I enjoy doing routine tasks to help others, even though the tasks seem menial?
42 I feel comfortable delegating responsibilities to others and directing a plan through to completion?
43 I am primarily attracted to people who express tenderness and kindness?
44 I enjoy researching answers to difficult questions?
45 When I fail to live up to the standards of Christian living which I feel is important, I become very discouraged with myself?
46 I really enjoy giving money and other material resources to causes?
47 When sharing truth, I enjoy illustrating it with personal examples to make it more practical?
48 I need reassurance that what I do to help other people is appreciated?
49 I am able with discipline to work under pressure and accomplish things as long as I know my goals and objectives?
50 I feel deep compassion and understanding for those with emotional needs?
51 The meaning of words and how people use them is important to me?
52 I enjoy speaking up about what I believe is right and wrong?
53 I receive special joy in encouraging others to be more generous in their life?
54 I really enjoy sharing the practical teaching of Biblical truth as it relates to the personal and emotional problems of people?
55 When I provide things for others, I would rather give them something I made myself than something I bought?
56 When I experience or see poor leadership, I feel a great deal of frustration or burden?
57 I like to be involved in alleviating the sufferings of others?
58 When I hear a message I like, I usually check out the facts and concepts in greater detail?
59 When I sense the problems and the needs of the world, I am burdened and tend to spend time in prayer over these concerns?
60 When I give money or other tangible help to others, I like to do it anonymously?
61 I like to simplify complex issues into practical steps to help people?
62 I am a NOW person and when I see a need, I want to meet it right away rather than wait for a more convenient time?
63 I enjoy being responsible for the success of the organization or group of which I am a part of?
64 I avoid leadership positions where I will have to carry out decisions, which may hurt the feelings of some people?
65 I get a joy out of finding information and facts through research?
66 When I share God\'s truth with others, I need to see that this brings about the change that God desires for them?
67 I truly enjoy being a part of benefiting others through a financial gift or favorable act?
68 I like to share with others the confidence that inspite of outward circumstances, trials and set backs, God always keeps His promises?
69 When I hear of some practical need that someone has, I am willing to volunteer to help meet it?
70 I am willing to endure the misunderstanding and reaction of others when working on a plan because I know the end results of what I am seeking to accomplish?

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